Notorious R.O.B.
Notorious POD
Notorious POD Ep. 19: Prof. Scott Hemphill on Antitrust Issues in Real Estate

Notorious POD Ep. 19: Prof. Scott Hemphill on Antitrust Issues in Real Estate

I interview Prof. Scott Hemphill, Moses H. Grossman Professor of Law at NYU School of Law and co-director of the Engelberg Center on Innovation Law and Policy. There aren't many human beings who would be a better expert to speak to regarding the various lawsuits in the real estate industry. We discuss the various class action lawsuits on commissions (Moehrl, Sitzer, Leeder, etc.) and what the issues are. We discuss REX v. Zillow as well as REX v. Oregon, which deals with the anti-rebate provisions in Oregon. We discuss policy as Prof. Hemphill is actively involved in policy discussions around antitrust, technology, and innovation. This was one of the most enjoyable and enlightening conversations I've ever had, and I thank Prof. Hemphill for his time and insights.

Notorious R.O.B.
Notorious POD
NotoriousROB is the most respected and longest running blog in the residential real estate industry. Its readers from agents on the ground to C-suite executives are the most informed, most innovative in the business. The podcast, NotoriousPOD, continues the tradition of deep insight, no-fear and no-bullshit of the blog in audio format.