Notorious R.O.B.
Notorious POD
Notorious POD, Ep. 17 - NAR Speech Code with Phillip Cantrell

Notorious POD, Ep. 17 - NAR Speech Code with Phillip Cantrell

In this episode, I speak with my good friend and mentor, Phillip Cantrell. He is the CEO and founder of Benchmark Realty, the #1 brokerage by market share in the Nashville area. We discuss a sensitive and touchy topic -- the NAR Speech Codes (10.5 and beyond) and how conservative REALTORS feel about the direction of local, state and national REALTOR organizations.

I think Phillip is representative of a silent majority of REALTORS out there who are somewhere between uncomfortable and enraged about NAR's shift in direction in getting more and more involved with social/political issues. I say "silent majority" because so few people are willing to take a stance on these divisive issues and talk about how they feel about them. Phillip is the rare leader who is willing to be open about his feelings and thoughts, knowing that it could be controversial. I can say from personal knowledge that there are many, many REALTORS who are unhappy but stay silent. Silence should not be taken as agreement, or even acquiescence.

For being willing to share his thoughts, I thank Phillip. For listening, I thank you. This may be a conversation we need to surface and have to see if the REALTOR movement can actually be salvaged.


Notorious R.O.B.
Notorious POD
NotoriousROB is the most respected and longest running blog in the residential real estate industry. Its readers from agents on the ground to C-suite executives are the most informed, most innovative in the business. The podcast, NotoriousPOD, continues the tradition of deep insight, no-fear and no-bullshit of the blog in audio format.