Notorious R.O.B.
Notorious POD
Notorious POD, Ep 13: The Future of Brokerage White Paper

Notorious POD, Ep 13: The Future of Brokerage White Paper

This is an experiment of sorts, but I wanted to record something where I am solo talking about one of my posts or articles or papers. I chose The Future of Brokerage white paper (free on Notorious ROB) as I've been getting questions about it from brokers when I talk about it on my presentations.

Notorious R.O.B.
Notorious POD
NotoriousROB is the most respected and longest running blog in the residential real estate industry. Its readers from agents on the ground to C-suite executives are the most informed, most innovative in the business. The podcast, NotoriousPOD, continues the tradition of deep insight, no-fear and no-bullshit of the blog in audio format.