Notorious R.O.B.
Notorious POD
Huevos Hahncheros: A Conversation 20 Years in the Making

Huevos Hahncheros: A Conversation 20 Years in the Making

On this week's episode of Notorious POD, Rob has a special guest! They talk about Sunny’s history in the real estate business; how technology has impacted the industry and whether or not these “upgrades” are really the best for agents, brokers, and most importantly, buyers. As much as the industry has changed since 2003, they discuss how much it is still the same. Join us! 

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Notorious R.O.B.
Notorious POD
NotoriousROB is the most respected and longest running blog in the residential real estate industry. Its readers from agents on the ground to C-suite executives are the most informed, most innovative in the business. The podcast, NotoriousPOD, continues the tradition of deep insight, no-fear and no-bullshit of the blog in audio format.